Can You Get Workers’ Compensation For Mold Exposure At Work?

Workers’ comp claims in Washington are already so difficult to prove. When you bring mold into the picture, the complexity rises to the sky. The mold issue is usually thought to be a residential issue. For example, an old house with a wet basement. The truth is that there is a little bit of mold everywhere. And when they become excessive, they can have health consequences. 

The best and only way to keep mold at bay is through proper maintenance and hygiene measures. If mold flourishes, their treatment becomes expensive. If you have become sick from mold that has been sitting untreated for a long period, an Everett Workers’ Compensation Attorney can help fight for your rights. 

What are the types of toxic molds?

Before you go and file a workers’ compensation claim, it is important to understand the types of toxic molds. Some of the common ones include the following:

  • Cladosporium, 
  • Penicillium, 
  • Fusarium, 
  • Aspergillus, 
  • and Stachybotrys.

They are commonly seen in homes and workplaces and can cause serious problems like respiratory issues, a hacking cough, irritation, serious fatigue, and congestion.

Stachybotrys is the worst kind you can encounter with. If your employer was aware that one of these types of molds was present in the workplace and did not do anything to remove it, they are liable for your damages. This is especially true if you or someone else had warned them of the danger and they still refused to do anything about it. 

What do you do if you suspect a mold-related illness?

If you suspect illness due to workplace mold, your first step should be visiting a doctor. Before you can file a complaint or a claim, you will need evidence. Keep track of your symptoms and the details about the building mold. Make sure to keep records of any conversations you have with your employer about removing the mold. 

You will then want to make a complaint with your employer along with proof. If they take appropriate action to fix the problem and your health seems to be improving, then it is great news. However, if they do not take any action or the removal does not seem to improve your health, you may have a workers’ comp claim. 

When it is too late. 

The thing about molds is that you will not realize its effects until the problem progresses. By the time you make the complaint, your health has degraded to the point you are too ill to work. You should take immediate action and not wait for the symptoms to worsen. 

Skin problems (rashes, allergies, etc.) and respiratory issues (breathing problems, cough, etc.) are some of the common signs. Hire an attorney to get started on your case today!

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